Expired News - These Canadians prove they're NOT 'winter wusses' after all - The Weather Network
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In a recent report posted on Macleans.ca, Canadians were referred to as "winter wusses" unable to to "tolerate" winters like they used to. Here's how some are proving this report wrong.

These Canadians prove they're NOT 'winter wusses' after all

Andrea Bagley
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 10:36 AM - In a recent report posted on Macleans.ca, Canadians were referred to as "winter wusses" unable to to "tolerate" winters like they used to. With a lot of "back in the day" references to how things were, the article highlights how "winter aversion is practically endemic."

Despite some valid points such as an increase in school cancellations and expansions of "underground walkways so locals can avoid the cold," is it really fair to say, "Canada is—frankly—turning into a nation of winter wusses?"

Possibly. Especially after an unseasonably warm start to winter. Who can blame those reaching for their "temperature-rated parkas" and "lab-tested winter boots" after one of the warmest (if not warmest) Decembers on record.

And while complaining about the cold may have become a "national pastime," when push comes to shove, Canadians buck up.

This week's hefty snow storms in both Ontario and Atlantic Canada are the perfect examples. After up to 60 cm of snow piled up across the regions, pictures started flowing in showing the true winter pride that the Macleans article said has been missing. We can't forget the Prairie provinces that have been dealing with inhumane temperatures with wind chills near -50. Instead of packing up and heading south, outdoor enthusiasts there are making the most of the situation.

Here's your proof (be sure to scroll right to the bottom for the best footage):

St. John's, Newfoundland

Hamilton, Ontario

Cornwall, Ontario

Cap Lumire Rd, Richibucto-Village, New Brunswick

And possibly the best (non "winter wus") footage we've seen? 'Red Neck' snow plow in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

"WE GET ER DONE NO MATTER HOW IN CAPE BRETON," said James Macdonald who posted this video on Facebook Sunday. "THATS WHY I LOVE THIS ISLAND ONE HELPING ANOTHER."

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