Expired News - Thunderstorm asthma kills two in breathing issue outbreak - The Weather Network
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As bizarre as its moniker may be, thunderstorm asthma is a serious health concern that's currently impacting thousands in Australia. Melbourne, dubbed a global hot spot for the phenomenon, saw two residents succumb to thunderstorm asthma following a storm late Monday, local time.

Thunderstorm asthma kills two in breathing issue outbreak

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 1:28 PM - As bizarre as its moniker may be, thunderstorm asthma is a serious health concern that's currently impacting thousands in Australia. Melbourne, dubbed a global hot spot for the phenomenon, saw two residents succumb to thunderstorm asthma following a storm late Monday, local time.

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Though the condition is considered rare, it isn't as complex as it sounds.

"It seems that many people, perhaps 1 in 4, who suffer from seasonal allergies may also have asthma, whether they know it or not," says Weather Network meteorologist and science writer Scott Sutherland. "Strong thunderstorms can kick up a significant amount of pollen into the air, which can then trigger an asthma attack in those who are sensitive."

Ambulance Victoria received more than 1,870 calls between 7 and 11 p.m. on Monday, the BBC reports -- six times more calls than the daily average, with at least 30 in intensive care.

The Sydney Morning Herald lists at least 30 people, including two children, to be in intensive care units. A twenty-two year old law student and an 18-year-old high school student were reportedly the two cases "where patients with respiratory symptons were unable to be revived by paramedic crews," a spokesperson for Ambulance Victoria told The Herald.

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In one circumstance, the ambulance took more than half an hour to arrive due to the high volume of calls. In the other, the ambulance arrived within 15 minutes, which was still too late, the spokesperson said.

"Our thoughts are with the families of those patients. We will carry out a full clinical review into these cases.

Several took to social media to express both gratitude for emergency responders, along with surprise at the effect of weather-enhanced asthma.

In addition to Melbourne, Wagga Wagga and London, Australia, were also hit with a number of cases related to thunderstorm asthma.

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