Expired News - Videos you might have missed, August edition - The Weather Network
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Videos you might have missed, August edition

Andrew Osmond
Digital Editor

Friday, September 1, 2017, 9:58 AM - Plenty of amazing videos pass through The Weather Network's website every day, many of them sent in by the viewers themselves.

Among them are gems that draw the most attention, with this month's favourites including; a close call with a lightning bolt, a famous 'pink' dolphin that you need to see to believe, and a scorpion found ALIVE in reporter Nathan Coleman’s bananas. Here are the 10 most popular videos in August.

Have a look, and tell us which one was your favourite in the comments below. Don’t forget to download our app and upload your weather videos. You might seem them in next month’s countdown.

10. Woman has close call with lightning, watch HOW close this was

9. Drone video shows path of destruction cut through popular cottage country

8. Rare 'porcelain' moose takes a swim in a Swedish lake, see it

7. This puppy will make your life, watch what it does when it's in the tub

6. Famous 'pink' dolphin spotted by tourists and they can't believe it

5. International Space Station passes over the eclipse, see it

4. Pictures at Peggy's Cove go viral for all the wrong reasons

3. Live scorpion found in Weather Network reporter’s bananas

2. Shark in Canadian waters: 'That thing is huge!'

1. 5 things you NEED to know about the solar eclipse

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