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It has been a long, cold winter, and if you're lucky enough to be heading somewhere warm this month we have some D.I.Y. travel tips that are sure to save you time and money.

DIY travel tips that could help save you time and cash

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    Thursday, March 13, 2014, 6:38 PM -

    It has been a long, cold winter, and if you're lucky enough to be heading somewhere warm this month we have some Do It Yourself travel tips that are sure to save you time and money. 

    Starting with necklaces. They always seem to get knotted during the packing process. To avoid that from happening, cut a slit in the end of a straw, fasten the necklace, and place it in the straw while securing one end of the chain in the slit (see Natalie's demonstration above). 

    Secondly, if you have buttons laying around don't throw them out! You can use them for your earrings while packing for that perfect getaway. You just fasten them through the button hole, and that way you don't lose one or both of the earrings. 

    TRAVEL SMART: Pack a survival kit

    And if you'll be renting while your're away and doing most of your own cooking, using a pill case for spices can make all the difference in your meals! That can also save you money at the grocery store when you get there. 

    And who said shower caps were only be used on your heads? Packing your shoes in them before stuffing them in the suitcase can help prevent dirt from spreading onto everything else. 

    Lastly. when you're straightening your hair and you have to make your flight at the airport, but it's too hot to pack, just use an oven mitt to protect everything from the heat.

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