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Top weather related events to look for in 2014

Tuesday, December 31, 2013, 11:04 AM -

As we are gearing up for a new year, let's look at some events that are taking place in 2014 that will be affected by the weather. From sports to space, the outcome of many events throughout the year will be highly dependent on ideal weather conditions. So without further ado, the crystal ball is fired up, so let’s check out some of them! 

2014 Sochi Winter Games

One of the biggest events of the year will be the 2014 Winter Games that are being held in Sochi, Russia. In a city that is considered to have a subtropical climate and usually does not see that much snow, officials are hoping that the weather will go their way. In the event that the weather does not co-operate, organizers have stored approximately 450,000 cubic meters of snow from last year’s snowfall. 

NHL Winter Classic

2010 Winter Classic at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts

2010 Winter Classic at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts

Numerous hockey events will also be relying on cold weather to keep the ice at ideal temperatures for skaters. One of these events includes the NHL Winter Classic being held in Ann Arbour, Michigan at Michigan Stadium. For those unfamiliar with the Winter Classic, it is an outdoor game that takes the place of a regular-season game. It is scheduled for January 1 and will feature the Toronto Maple Leafs taking on the Detroit Red Wings. While the event has been going on since 2008, this year is special since it marks the first year that a Canadian team is being featured. 

Outdoor NHL games

The Dodger Stadium where they will transform the field into an ice rink

The Dodger Stadium where they will transform the field into an ice rink

The NHL is also attempting to bring outdoor hockey to southern California. This will be the first warm-weather city to host an outdoor NHL game. The plan is to build an ice rink over top of the iconic baseball venue of Dodgers Stadium about two weeks before the game and cover it during the day to keep it cool. But NHL officials may need to hold their breath as temperatures in the area for the month of January are typically between 10 and 18 degrees Celsius. At minimum, the rink needs to be minus-4 degrees for adequate game play. You can watch the game on January 25, when the Los Angeles Kings will go head to head with the Anaheim Ducks.  

The Super Bowl

Most notably affected by weather will be Super Bowl XLVIII, scheduled for February 2 at the MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. This year’s Super Bowl has many 'firsts' including it being the first edition to be played outdoors in a cold weather environment. It will also be the first time in which two U.S states, both New York and New Jersey, will be sharing the hosting duties. This year’s Super Bowl will also be the first to have two hosting teams since both the New York Giants and New York Jets play in the same stadium. What will be interesting to see is if the weather will hold out for the event. There is a contingency plan to move the game to Monday if poor weather does indeed impact planning.

Quadrantids Meteor Shower

If watching sports is not your thing, the weather will also affect different space-related events. At the beginning of the year there will be the Quadrantids Meteor Shower. This will happen January 2 and 3, but will need almost perfect conditions to be visible since the peak intensity lasts only hours. If you do get a chance to see it though, this occurrence has above average showers with up to 40 meteors per hour in relation to the typical 20 per hour. Let’s hope for clear skies! 

Perseids Meteor Shower

Other meteor showers will be taking place throughout the year, but one of the best will be the Perseids Meteor Shower in mid-August. At its peak, it will produce up to 60 meteors per hour. Regardless of the weather, these meteors are so bright that there shouldn't be any issues with visibility.

 Mars close to earth

For any photographers out there, grab your camera for April 8. This will be the best day of the year to see Mars because it will be at its closest to earth. Clear skies will be ideal conditions for photographing the beautiful red planet. 

Do you know of any other events in 2014 that will rely on the weather? Share it with us in the comment section below.

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