Expired News - Tropical Storm Bertha: what you need to know - The Weather Network
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The storm has weakened, but it will still have an impact on Atlantic Canada.

Tropical Storm Bertha: what you need to know

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    Daniel Martins
    Digital Reporter

    Tuesday, August 5, 2014, 9:49 AM - Tropical Storm Bertha is packing a punch in the Atlantic Ocean, with winds gusting up to 100 km/h as it churns east of the Carolinas.

    But the storm has weakened from Monday, when it actually attained Category 1 hurricane status for much of the day.

    Tropical cyclone advisories are still in effect in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, but the storm is not expected to have remotely the same impact on Atlantic Canada as Arthur did when it begins to affect the region late Wednesday and Thursday.

    "All indications are that Bertha will pass south of Nova Scotia with just some high cloud cover ... moving overhead," the Canadian Hurricane Centre (CHC) said in a statement issued at 8:45 a.m. ADT. "There is a possibility that rain from the post-tropical phase of the storm could affect the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. Some uncertainty remains with regard to the proximity of the track to the Avalon due to a trough of low pressure that may interact with the storm."

    Most of the strongest winds from Bertha will remain offshore, although the CHC says they could affect southeastern Newfoundland early Thursday, depending on how the nearby low-pressure trough interacts with the storm.

    The centre says rain is more of a threat for Newfoundland, with 25-30 mm possible if the rain moves overland. As for storm surge, Nova Scotia could see wave heights near 2 m Wednesday into Thursday, reaching up to 4 m in southern Newfoundland by Thursday.

    Weather Network meteorologist Kelly Sonnenburg says the the trough near Bertha will contribute to unsettled weather in the region this week.

    The Maritimes have some risk of scattered thunderstorms and showers Tuesday, along with parts of Newfoundland.

    Wednesday also carries some risk, though mostly centred on Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick.

    TUNE IN: Watch the Weather Network on TV for updates on the storm as it approaches. If it's safe to do so, upload your pictures and videos here.

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