Expired News - Schwarzenegger leads global attack on Trump's Paris pullout - The Weather Network
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Many people are outraged with U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw America from the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Schwarzenegger leads global attack on Trump's Paris pullout

Hailey Montgomery
Digital Reporter

Monday, June 5, 2017, 6:57 PM - Donald Trump’s June 1 announcement that he will withdraw the United States from the nearly-worldwide Paris Agreement has instigated a global dialogue about where the POTUS’ priorities lie when it comes to the climate change.

Consistent with statements made during his presidential campaign, Trump said that he believes the accord is unfair to the U.S., and that he wants to renegotiate a deal that better suits the country's economy. 

"The United States under the Trump administration will continue to be the cleanest, and most environmentally friendly country on earth," he said at a White House press conference on Thursday. "We're gonna have the cleanest air, we're gonna have the cleanest water [...] but we're not going to put our businesses out of work."

International politicians, celebrities, and world leaders are having their say, claiming that Trump is sabotaging an accord that would be of great benefit to our planet's level of carbon emissions.

Here are just a few critics of Donald Trump's most recent contentious move:

Former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg says that his organization Bloomberg Philanthropies will give $15 million to the United Nations Climate Framework Convention on Climate Change:

Protesters gather outside of the White House in Washington, D.C., on June 1:

Protesters gather outside of the White House in Washington, D.C., on June 1.

And who's having their say on social media:

Iconic buildings "go green" in solidarity with the agreement:

Below: President Trump pulls United States OUT of Paris climate agreement:

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