Expired News - Two dead after Rio Olympic cycle path collapses - The Weather Network
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Two people are dead after a 50-metre stretch of a cycle path recently completed for the 2016 summer games in Rio de Janiero, Brazil collapsed.

Two dead after Rio Olympic cycle path collapses

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Thursday, April 21, 2016, 2:30 PM - Two people are dead after a 50-metre stretch of a cycle path recently completed for the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janiero collapsed. A rogue wave is being blamed for the accident.

The $12.7 million path, which opened in January, was hit by a wave when it broke apart Thursday. 

Two people are dead after falling into the sea, a spokeswoman for Rio's City Hall confirmed. Three other people were rescued and are reportedly injured. The extent of their injuries is unclear.

The Summer Games are set to commence in Rio on August 5, 2016, and the recent tragic event has revived questions about whether or not the city is ready to host on the global stage.

In July, a  report by the Associated Press suggested athletes competing in the 2016 Summer Games will be swimming in water that is 'basically raw sewage'. The water, which is heavily contaminated with raw feces, poses a huge health risk to competitors, and could potentially render them too ill to participate in the games, the report said.

The 3.9 km cycle route that collapsed Thursday runs along Rio's coastline,  providing a view of the sea. The damaged section is about 800 metres from the end of the path.

Source: Bloomberg

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