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Angry badger forces closure at historic Scottish castle

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Thursday, April 19, 2018, 6:06 PM - A portion of Scotland's Craignethan castle was closed earlier this month after staffers say a "very angry badger" wandered into its cellar tunnel and refused to leave.

"If you're heading to #CraignethanCastle over the next few days you might find the Cellar Tunnel closed due to the presence of a very angry badger," reads a portion of an April 13th tweet from Historic Scotland, a government body that oversees the country's historic sites.

Workers tried unsuccessfully to lure the grumpy animal out with cat food.

The badger refused to leave until it was good and ready -- vacating the space on its own accord over the weekend.

During its four-day stay inside the tunnel it made a mess, digging up loose soil which was flung into the castle's stonework.

Officials have confirmed the tunnel is now badger-free but will remain closed while crews clean up after their angry guest. The remainder of Craignethan is open to the public.

Criagnethan castle was built in 1530.

The forest surrounding the site is said to be full of badgers, so this probably isn't the first time one has wandered inside the building.

If it ever happens again, the folks at Craignethan will be ready. 

"Thank you to all our friends and followers for sending through their #badger tips," Historic Scotland says in a tweet.

"We now know badgers much prefer peanuts and even bananas, over cat food. If your castle tunnel is experiencing similar problems, remember the @ScottishSPCA can assist with animal welfare enquiries."


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