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VIDEO: Dolphins surfing in Byron Bay, Australia

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Thursday, March 19, 2015, 8:34 AM - Spectacular video has surfaced on YouTube featuring dolphins 'surfing' in Byron Bay, Australia.

It's not uncommon to see dolphins exhibiting this type of behaviour -- especially in Byron Bay.

The area is considered one of the country's best places to catch a glimpse of marine life -- including whales, seabirds and, of course, dolphins.

Experts suspect dolphins engage in this type of activity for recreational purposes.

The animals featured in the video above are likely bottlenose dolphins which, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, have a relatively stable population.

The same can't be said for other dolphin species, which are facing significant threats.

RELATED: Dolphin stampede video goes viral

The Araguaia river dolphin, for example, was officially announced as a species in January 2014 and was immediately placed on the endangered species list. 

A lack of conservation efforts, as well as agricultural and ranching activities in the species' native Brazil has put the Araguaia river dolphin at risk of extinction.

Researchers are racing against the clock in an attempt to save the beleaguered species.

Sources: YouTube | IUCN


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