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Angry Birds is a popular game but when it becomes reality, it's not so fun.

Watch: Angry bird on Parliament Hill attacks pedestrians

Leeanna McLean
Digital Reporter

Monday, June 15, 2015, 8:04 AM - Angry Birds is a popular game but when it becomes reality, it's not so fun.

The spiteful red-winged blackbird is back on Parliament Hill for yet another spring, swooping at passerby.

Male red-winged blackbirds have been known to attack people during breeding season. Scientists say they fiercely defend their territory, often spending more than a quarter of the daylight hours chasing away other birds and people.

"That bird was intent on attacking me and keeping me from my meeting at the House," Lawyer Michael Crystal told CBC.

The bird seems to be non-partisan, attacking MPs no matter what party they come from, CBC reports.

Reporter Ashley Burke was filming her stand-up when the blackbird dove at her.

The bird is now on social media warning those who come close.

There's a possibility it's mad because it wasn't chosen as the official bird of Ontario.

Source: CBC

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