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Welsh mother finds deadly Brazilian wandering spider eggs in her bananas

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Sunday, March 15, 2015, 1:45 PM -

Maria Layton was getting a snack for six-year-old daughter when she noticed something odd.

One banana in a set of fruit had a strange marking on it. Layton soon found out that her fruits were the breeding ground for a potentially lethal Brazilian spider.

In a panic, Layton put the bananas in the freezer just as the cocoon began to hatch, the Huffington Post UK reports.

Photo courtesy of Maria Layton, Facebook.

Photo courtesy of Maria Layton, Facebook.

The other bananas, too, were covered in a spider web. In an interview with The Huffington Post UK, Layton says she recognized the spiders because she saw a news story about them. After doing a quick Google search, her fears were confirmed.

The Brazilian wandering spider has a bite that can cause painful four-hour erections, and can even be lethal.

The grocery store that sold the bananas, Tesco, issued an apology to Layton and offered a full refund.

SOURCES: Mashable | Huffington Post UK | Facebook

Thumbnail photo courtesy of Creative Commons.

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