Expired News - What's in your emergency kit? - The Weather Network
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Do you actually have everything you need to get back without power, access to clean water, or other essentials, for 24 hours? How about 72 hours?

What's in your emergency kit?

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    Monday, April 23, 2018, 3:11 PM - We are all aware of the possibility of a powerful disaster striking our communities, like an earthquake or a tornado or an ice storm.

    But do you actually have everything you need to get back without power, access to clean water, or other essentials, for 24 hours? How about 72 hours?

    All emergency services organizations recommend families keep an emergency kit, with crucial items like first aid kits, flashlights, water purification gear, even items you already own such as money and a spare set of keys. Experts also warn to check in on your kit at least once a year, to make sure perishable items such as certain medications are still good.

    Watch the report above for more tips.

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