Expired News - Wheel-chair bound goat walks again - The Weather Network
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Wheel-chair bound goat walks again

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Sunday, June 22, 2014, 12:37 PM -

You've seen this making the rounds on the internet.

Frosty the Snow-Goat (yes, that's seriously what they call the kid) came to Australian animal sanctuary Edgar's Mission extremely ill. Staff at the sanctuary nursed him back to health, but it seems he still didn't have the use of his hind legs, so they fitted him out with an adorable little wheelchair.

The guy trundled into people's hearts when the sanctuary released this video back in May:

Now, with time and the patience of handlers, it looks like the little guy is back on his feet under his own power.

You can sort of see the progression: In the first few shots of him in the top video sans wheelchair, are very shaky, but by the end, he seems to be frolicking around just like you'd expect a normal kid to.

The sanctuary has a huge array of cute animals doing cute things on their website, which we encourage you to check out.

ANOTHER DOSE OF CUTE? Check our Scott Meiklejohn's last Cute Countdown below.

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