Expired News - 'Winterize a celebrity' trends, Twitter has a snow day - The Weather Network
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'Winterize a celebrity' trends, Twitter has a snow day

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Monday, December 4, 2017, 3:45 PM - Winter is fast approaching, and Twitter has taken note.

On Monday, the hashtag #winterizeacelebrity started trending in the U.S.

The game is simple: Take the name of your favourite celebrity and give it a winter makeover.

Of course, The Weather Network had to join in on the fun:

Weather Network fans were quick to jump in:

The possibilities are endless.

So what does winter have in store?

"As a whole, Canadians should expect a wild ride from start to finish,” Chris Scott, Chief Meteorologist at The Weather Network, says in The Weather Network's 2017 winter forecast.

Canada is expected to experience normal or near normal precipitation throughout the winter season, with the most active areas stretching from the Great Lakes to the Maritimes and southern Newfoundland, as well as from southern B.C. to southern Saskatchewan.

Colder-than-normal temperatures look to be in the cards for central Canada with near normal temperatures for almost everyone else.

The only regions where milder-than-average temperatures is expected is in parts of northern Canada and across southern Atlantic Canada -- but these areas should get their share of winter weather as well.

See more details below.

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