Expired News - Yarnell 'fire raccoon' a symbol of hope - The Weather Network
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Yarnell 'fire raccoon' a symbol of hope

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    Thursday, October 10, 2013, 1:47 PM -

    On June 28, 2013, a massive wildfire ignited by lightning broke out near Yarnell, Arizona. By the time it was fully contained on July 10, 3,400 hectares had been burned and nineteen firefighters had been killed.

    As the community continues to pick up the pieces following this devastating tragedy, a symbol of hope and survival has emerged.

    Four weeks after the smoke had cleared, Grace the raccoon turned up at the home of Leon and Christine Smith.

    Starved, burned and exhausted, the Smiths took Grace under their wing until she was picked up by wildlife rescue officials.

    Now, Grace is on the mend. Her injuries will prevent her from returning to the wild, but she's settling into her new life at an animal sanctuary.

    Watch the video below to learn more about Grace's incredibly journey:

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