Expired News - Your old cellphone may end up at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics - The Weather Network
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Your old cellphone may end up at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Thursday, August 25, 2016, 1:59 PM - This year's Summer Olympic Games set an important precedent about the state of the planet.

The theme of environmental justice was woven into the Rio Games Opening Ceremony, and from the looks of it, future Olympic host nations have taken note.

Japan, host of the Tokyo 2020 Games, is considering putting their technological hub city to use by turning parts of recycled electronics into Olympic medals, NBC News reports.

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What looks like a smartphone is often actually a mini-mine of various precious metals, including gold, silver, and palladium. If approved, athletes at the Tokyo 2020 Games could be receiving medals made from these precious metals, recycled from cellphones and small devices.

Japan's proposal has yet to be approved, but it will likely require a heightened recycling initiative, NBC reports.

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According to Japanese publication Nikkei, gold and silver in Japan's electronic waste accounts for 16 per cent of the nation's -- and 22 per cent of the world's -- supply.

The nation currently generates about 650,000 tonnes of e-waste from small electronics and home appliances annually, NBC notes, but less than 100,000 tonnes are collected.

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SOURCE: NBC News | Nikkei

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