Expired News - A 'two-faced' weather pattern keeps the Prairies guessing - The Weather Network
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A 'two-faced' weather pattern keeps the Prairies guessing

Andrea Bagley
Digital Reporter

Friday, February 5, 2016, 3:29 PM - Heat vs. cold. Dry vs. snow. It's a tale of two seasons across the Prairies as strong winds and double digit temperatures dominate Alberta and extreme cold and heavy snow targets parts of Manitoba.

On Friday, the temperature spread was more than 20 degrees across the Prairies, with daytime highs are approaching 10°C in southern Alberta, while temperatures in southern Manitoba hovered around -10°C through the afternoon.

By Saturday night, a system pushing through the region could bring a decent amount of snow to parts of Manitoba and northwestern Ontario with 10-15 cm possible in the hardest hit places.

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