Expired News - Luminous beings light up lake in Sweden - The Weather Network
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Glowing blue waters made for an out-of-world experience for tourists in Sweden.

Luminous beings light up lake in Sweden

Katie Jones
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 8:28 PM -

At first glance, photographs taken in Sweden look more like a glimpse into another world.

What began as a lakeside visit to observe the stars lit up quickly for a couple visiting from the United Kingdom.

While skipping stones across the water, they watched as pools of electrified blue light radiated from the depths below.

Millions of plankton produced a brilliant display of bioluminescence.

Microscopic Bioluminescent Plankton. Courtesy of Wikipedia.

The natural phenomenon is a chemical reaction that occurs widely in marine lifeforms, such as jellyfish, coral and crustaceans.  Bioluminescence serves a variety of purposes in the wild, from acting as camouflage to helping draw the attention of potential mates.

It also gives fireflies their signature glow.

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