Expired News - North Bay's giant neighbourhood luge is envy of Canadian kids (and adults) - The Weather Network
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What’s 300 feet long and takes 33 seconds to complete? The Kenwood Hills Luge in North Bay, of course.

North Bay's giant neighbourhood luge is envy of Canadian kids (and adults)

Chris Dawson

Monday, February 9, 2015, 7:05 PM - What’s 300 feet long and takes 33 seconds to complete? The Kenwood Hills Luge in North Bay, Ont., of course.

For the past 15 years Amadeo Bernardi and his neighbours have been working together to create the giant luge which winds its way through 5 properties.

“We were out playing one day on New Years with the kids and wanted to get the kids out to play and it’s a natural slope so we started sliding down, sliding down and eventually sliding into the neighbours yard then that neighbour at the time, the Roberts, he came out and we just kept expanding it and it just became a wonderful hobby," Bernardi says.

The neighbours estimate they spend more than 160 hours each winter building and maintaining the track -- truly an indication of northern Ontario neighbourhood fellowship.

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