Expired News - See these celebrities' lush lawns amid California drought - The Weather Network
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Shocking aerial photos taken in California and published online earlier this week show lush green estate lawns of celebrities, despite severe drought conditions.

See these celebrities' lush lawns amid California drought

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Friday, May 15, 2015, 5:36 AM - Shocking aerial photos taken in California and published online earlier this week show lush green estate lawns of celebrities, despite severe drought conditions.

California is in the midst of one of the worst droughts in modern history, with more than 90 percent of the state experiencing severe drought conditions or worse, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

Rain is in the forecast, but a December report suggests the region will need 11 trillion gallons of water to make up for a four-year deficit.

In early April, officials imposed mandatory, state-wide water restrictions for the first time in history.

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Residents caught using excessive amounts of water will be fined but since the maximum tops out at $100, some celebrities are opting to keep their lawns green, despite pleas from officials.

According to Page Six, many of the celebrities draw water from the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, which has four weeks to cut its water use by 36 percent. One official told the publication an estimated 70 percent of the district's water is being used to maintain the lawns of 100 luxury estates.

Still -- some celebrities appear to be trying.

An aerial shot of the homes of singer Jessica Simpson and actress Julia Roberts show lawns that are starting to turn brown.

Source: The Daily Mail | Page Six

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