When you're sick, are you safeguarded against other viruses?

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Does your immune system have a way to protect you from being infected with two different respiratory viruses simultaneously? The Weather Network's Matt Hamel finds out.

Respiratory viruses are highly transmissible during the winter, so it's common to have a cold, flu or other illness several times during the season.

But, is it possible to contract multiple viruses at the same time? It turns out that is quite rare. Once you become infected with one virus, you're unlikely to catch another (for a short period of time at least).

This then prompts a followup inquiry regarding your immune system and if it can offer you protection against multiple respiratory illnesses.

Matt Hamel, content creator and on-camera presenter at The Weather Network speaks to a health expert to get the answer.

Watch the video above to get the full story on secondary illnesses and the possible role our immune system plays in keeping them at bay.

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