Expired News - Victoria, B.C.'s 'Cycleangelo' takes the Internet by storm - The Weather Network
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Armed with nothing more than a bicycle, a GPS tracking device paired with the Strava app and a lot of creativity, Victoria cyclist Stephen Lund has taken B.C., and the Internet, by storm.

Victoria, B.C.'s 'Cycleangelo' takes the Internet by storm

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, March 2, 2016, 4:21 PM - Armed with nothing more than a bicycle, a GPS tracking device paired with the Strava app and a lot of creativity, Victoria cyclist Stephen Lund has taken B.C., and the Internet, by storm.

Compared to many other parts of the country, Victoria experiences mild temperatures year-round, allowing for plenty of opportunities to go for a bike ride.

To date, Lund has created more than 80 virtual "doodles" by tracking his pre-planned bike routes with a GPS, which are then uploaded to the Internet.

His work has earned him the nickname "Cycleangelo". His first doodle was relatively simple, starting out with a "Happy New Year" sign in early 2015:

The doodles have steadily evolved and span a wide range of subjects, from animals, to mythical creatures, to pop culture icons (one of his latest features Darth Vader from the Star Wars franchise):

Lund, a 50-year old amateur cyclist and marketing consultant, told the Toronto Star he biked more than 22,300 km last year. About a quarter of that was dedicated to GPS doodles, some of which span more than 100 square kilometres.

Sources: GPS Doodles | The Toronto Star


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