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Some is a persistent problem in China. In response to this, a new style trend is emerging on China's fashion runways: Stylish smog masks.

Stylish smog masks the next big thing in China

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Friday, October 31, 2014, 3:10 PM - While China is taking steps to reduce its smog problem, the toxic air (and the health problems associated with it) don't look like they'll be going away anytime soon.

In response to this, a new style trend is emerging on China's fashion runways: Stylish smog masks.

The masks, which were recently unveiled during China Fashion Week under the QIAODEN Ying Pen Sports Wear collection, come in a variety of colours and styles and can be coordinated to match outfits.

The masks have sparked debate online.

While some dismiss them as frivolous, others say they serve as a reminder of how smog has become a part of everyday life for the Chinese.

In parts of China -- like Beijing -- air pollution is a persistent problem.

RELATED: China to cut smog with air pollution tax

The World Health Organization recommends a maximum daily level of 20 micrograms PM 2.5 -- the most toxic element present in smog -- but Beijing's air quality index regularly exceeds 500 micrograms.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, levels higher than 300 micrograms per cubic meter are considered "hazardous."

Beijing is currently sitting at an orange air pollution alert, the second-highest in the city's alert system.

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