Expired News - Frozen phenomenon reaches its peak: Is there any topping this 'Elsa' goat? - The Weather Network
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Frozen phenomenon reaches its peak: Is there any topping this 'Elsa' goat?

Katie Jones
Digital Reporter

Friday, March 6, 2015, 10:51 AM - If there's anything the Disney film 'Frozen' can be accredited with, it's staying power. The movie's premise and popular characters have dominated media coverage of this winter season.

But does anything beat a bleating Elsa?

Are we finally ready to just let it go? 

Here are three ways Frozen dominated this winter.

1. Frozen-themed 'Hey Elsa' memes

Winter weather in North American has been severe enough to inspire Queen Elsa's biggest fans to plead for mercy.

A popular meme circulating online depicts small children asking for an end to the 'Frozen' queen's icy reign.

After all, just because the cold doesn't bother her...(we know you know the rest).

2. Multiple warrants for icy Queen Elsa's arrest

By this point, Queen Elsa definitely has the worst track record, at least as far as the U.S. judicial system is concerned, of any other Disney character.

Winter-weary town issues arrest for Disney's 'Frozen' Queen Elsa

The combination of cabin fever and Frozen frenzy culminated in to the ultimate act of winter defiance in the town of Harlan, Kentucky.

The local Police department issued a warrant for 'Frozen' Queen Elsa's arrest on Facebook.

It stated the "suspect is a blonde female last seen wearing a long blue dress and is known to burst into song ‘Let it Go!’ As you can see by the weather she is very dangerous.”

This fictional, but public display prompted dozens of copycats, as other communities demanded that Elsa and her winter wrath be stopped.

‘Frozen’: Queen Elsa Arrested By Police For Causing Extreme Cold

The case against the 'Frozen' queen escalated quickly in South Carolina.

Police in Hanahan went one step further when they posted pictures of Elsa being taken away in handcuffs. She was 'arrested' moments after trying to freeze a public fountain.

Snowstorm in the south leads to another 'Frozen' arrest

Swaths of winter storms stretched from the south to the northeast this season -- and it didn't take officials in Arkansas long to place the blame.

In the latest offence to involve the icy queen, authorities confined Elsa to a holding cell in Benton, Arkansas earlier this week.

She was able to make her one phone call to her sister, Anna, who came to bond her out.

Officials stated that the mock arrest was done in order to help alleviate spirits in the community after heavy snowfall.

And finally...

3. Goat Dressed as 'Frozen' Queen Elsa

This video pretty much speaks for itself. 

This barnyard version of Elsa attempts singer Idina Menzel's moving version of the flagship winter anthem "Let It Go."

If you're unmoved by a rendition of incessant bleating, perhaps it's finally time to let winter wind down, and the associations with Disney's highest-grossing fairy tale with it.

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